Discord Rules
This is the official list of each of the rules for our Discord server. If you believe a punishment is wrong, please contact management.
Tier 1 Punishments
These punishments all follow a punishment ladder of:
Warn -> 15m Mute -> 1h Mute -> 3h Mute -> 1d Mute -> 7d Mute
Repetitively spamming different or similar messages in quick succession.
Impersonating a player or staff member through a similar nickname or just claiming to be them/an alt of them. This also includes claiming to be an ex-staff member or developer when you're not.
Microphone Disruption
Making unpleasant or loud noises into your microphone, or using voice changers.
Misusing Features
Misusing channels such as #support or misusing any of our bots. This also includes misusing suggestions, posting suggestions, posting troll/off-topic messages in suggestions.
Political or Religious Discussion
Due to the potential for arguments and drama as a result of these conversations, any political or religious discussion is disallowed.
Tier 2 Punishments
These punishments follow the below punishment ladder unless stated otherwise:
1h Mute -> 6h Mute -> 1d Mute -> 3d Mute -> 7d Mute -> Permanent Mute
Inappropriate Chat
Referencing vulgar, sexual, or (illegal) drug-related topics. Drug-related topics are anything deemed illegal by UK laws.
Direct Swearing
Swearing directly at another player. Abbreviations are allowed (ie "f u"). This is punishable when the filter is bypassed.
Server Disrespect
Direct disrespect to the server. This excludes any factual statements or suggestions to improve the server, and only includes things that are insulting without offering any constructive criticism.
Inappropriate Username, Status, or About Me
Referencing vulgar, sexual, or (illegal) drug-related topics. Drug-related topics are anything deemed illegal by UK laws.
Unnecessarily Pinging Users
Pinging users for absolutely no reason is against our rules. Create a support ticket where necessary. Avoid pinging the owner or a developer at all costs.
Non-Discreet Advertising
Sharing the IP address, website, Discord invite, or other applicable form of "advertisement" of another server inside of public chat (or in messages to multiple users), with no intention of permanently driving players away from LemonCloud.
1d Mute -> 3d Mute -> 7d Mute -> Permanent Mute
Malicious Advertising
Sharing the IP address, website, Discord invite, or other applicable form of "advertisement" in a malicious manner to direct players away from LemonCloud. An example of this could include spamming a server IP into chat.
Permanent Ban
Tier 3 Punishments
These punishments follow the below punishment ladder unless stated otherwise:
1d Mute -> 3d Mute -> 7d Mute -> 14d Mute -> Permanent Mute
Chat messages that fall under a Tier 3 or above rule can be moderated even if filtered.
Unintentional or isolated marginalisation or disrespect based upon gender identity, sexuality or race. Additionally, suggesting connotations between something negative and an unchangeable attribute (disease or illness). This includes isolated slur use.
Initiating and participating in drama, bullying, or negative discussion about other players. Harassment must usually include some form of negative connotation, annoyance or insults to the player. This also includes misinformation spread about other players.
Being a Nuisance
Keeping it simple - just don't be a nuisance. This includes spam pinging staff members, or being generally annoying.
Encouraging Self-Harm
Encouraging any kind of harm to oneself. This includes, for example, violence, illness, self-injury, or suicide. This rule will be enforced even if phrases like "in-game" are added at the end of messages.
Tier 4 Punishments
These punishments follow the below punishment ladder unless stated otherwise:
7d Ban -> 14d Ban -> 30d Ban -> Permanent Ban
Any attempt of marginalising or disrespecting someone based on gender identity, sexuality or race. In addition to this, suggesting connotations between something negative and an unchangeable attribute (gender, sexuality, race, disability, disease, etc.). This includes slurs.
Encouraging Harm
Encouraging any kind of harm on another player or themselves. Harm could include for example any violence, illness, self-harm or suicide. This rule will be enforced even if phrases like "in-game" are added at the end of messages.
IRL Threats
Threatening another player IRL. This rule will be enforced even if phrases like "in-game" are added at the end of messages.
Blacklists can also be issued. Read more here: