
× Interested in becoming a staff member? Click here to submit an application!

Issue with a purchase?

If you have any questions or issues related to payments, send us a ticket here, and we will reply as fast as possible.

Found a bug?

We work extremely hard to get rid of any bugs you may find on LemonCloud. All you need to do is fill in a simple form, and we'll keep you updated on the progress.

Click here to submit a bug report!

Anything else?

If you're stuck in-game, want to make a ban appeal, ask a question about the rules, or any other casual requests, make a ticket in our discord server.

You can join our Discord server by clicking here. This will direct you straight to our support channel.

To join our Discord server, you must be 13 years of age or older, as we follow the Discord Terms of Service. If you are under this age, please have an adult present while using the facilities.

You can also email if you cannot access these facilities.

Discord Ban Appeals

Email if you would like to appeal a Discord punishment.
