Global Rules

This is the official list of each of the rules for our Minecraft server. If you believe a punishment is wrong, please contact management.

Tier 1 Punishments

These punishments follow the below punishment ladder unless stated otherwise:
Warn -> 15m Mute -> 30m Mute -> 1h Mute -> 3h Mute -> 12h Mute

You will only be punished for these offences if they take place in public chat.

Spamming - Character Spam
Messages such as "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" or "akjfhdisujkfhaigrkefj".

Spamming - Similar Message Spam
Spamming the same or a similar message 3+ times is considered Similar Message Spam.

Spamming - Unique Message Spam
Repetitively spamming different messages in quick succession.

Spamming - Command Spam
Excessively spamming any command 3+ times in a way that can visibly spam a player's chat. This includes things like bounties and /afk.

This punishment replaces the mutes in the above ladder with bans.

Foreign Languages
LemonCloud's native language is English. For moderation purposes, please refrain from using foreign languages in main chat.

Political or Religious Discussion
Due to the potential for arguments and drama as a result of these conversations, any political or religious discussion is disallowed.

Indirect Swearing
Swearing indirectly in chat, not aimed at another player. Abbreviations are allowed (ie "wtf"). This is punishable when the filter is bypassed.

Impersonating a player or staff member through a similar nickname or just claiming to be them/an alt of them. This also includes claiming to be an ex-staff member or developer when you're not.

Tier 2 Punishments

These punishments follow the below punishment ladder unless stated otherwise:
Warn -> 30m Mute -> 1h Mute -> 3h Mute -> 12h Mute -> 1d Mute

Inappropriate Chat
Referencing vulgar, sexual, or (illegal) drug-related topics. Drug-related topics are anything deemed illegal by UK laws.

Direct Swearing
Swearing directly at another player. Abbreviations are allowed (ie "f u"). This is punishable when the filter is bypassed.

Calling Out Staff In Vanish
Any malicious attempt to expose a staff member in /vanish in order to cause disruption.

Inappropriate Display
Inappropriate Display is any form of vulgar, sexual, or (illegal) drug-related topics portrayed in a skin, cape, item, build or sign. This includes inappropriate items made visible to anyone e.g. sold on /ah or displayed at a warp.

This punishment replaces the mutes in the T2 ladder with bans.

Disallowed Trading
Advertising or completing an IRL trade or 'lemon loan'. A single loan of 10 or less lemons to a single account per IP at one time is permitted. Any attempts to circumvent this will result in punishment.

This punishment replaces the mutes in the T2 ladder with bans.

Tier 3 Punishments

These punishments follow the below punishment ladder unless stated otherwise:
1d Ban -> 3d Ban -> 7d Ban -> 14d Ban -> Permanent Ban

Chat messages that fall under a Tier 3 or above rule can be moderated in any chat.

Initiating and participating in drama, bullying, or negative discussion about other players. Harassment must usually include some form of negative connotation, annoyance or insults to the player. This also includes misinformation spread about other players.

TP Trapping/Killing
TP trapping or killing is trapping a player via any kind of instant warp or tp in an attempt to kill them. This can also include traps, such as portal traps.

Video evidence is not required should our staff be able to prove this via logs.

Griefing a player by:
- Maliciously destroying/placing blocks or stealing inside of (including trusted members) or within 20 blocks of their claim (Survival). This also includes claims inside 20 blocks of other claims, which will be unclaimed without punishment unless continual or malicious
- Maliciously destroying/placing blocks or stealing on an island, as a trusted member of the island (Skyblock)

Staff members may intervene in situations where unclaimed, but regularly "lived in" areas/builds are claimed or destroyed. Typically when newer players are unaware of the claiming system and forget to claim their land. This also applies to islands where settings are inadvertently set to visitors.

In-Game Scamming
Failure to deliver half of a trade deal including in-game items or in-game money. This also includes misleading auction house listings (renamed tripwire hooks to imitate crate keys, misleading names in shulkers, etc).

Video evidence is not required should our staff be able to prove this via logs.

IRL Threats
Threatening another player IRL. This rule will be enforced even if phrases like "in-game" are added at the end of messages.

Unintentional or isolated marginalisation or disrespect based upon gender identity, sexuality or race. Additionally, suggesting connotations between something negative and an unchangeable attribute (disease or illness). This includes isolated slur use.

Non-Malicious Bug Abuse
Abuse of an unintentional server feature which does not impact others, the server, or the economy.

Non-Malicious Disallowed Modifications
Usage of Disallowed Modifications which do not significantly impact others, the server, or the economy. Please refer to

Encouraging Self-Harm
Encouraging any kind of harm to oneself. This includes, for example, violence, illness, self-injury, or suicide. This rule will be enforced even if phrases like "in-game" are added at the end of messages.

This punishment replaces the bans in the T3 ladder with mutes.

Tier 4 Punishments

These punishments follow the below punishment ladder unless stated otherwise:
7d Ban -> 14d Ban -> 30d Ban -> Permanent Ban

Any attempt of marginalising or disrespecting someone based on gender identity, sexuality or race. Additionally, suggesting connotations between something negative and an unchangeable attribute (gender, sexuality, race, etc.). This includes slurs.

Encouraging Harm
Encouraging any kind of harm on another player. Harm could include for example any violence, illness, self-harm or suicide. This rule will be enforced even if phrases like "in-game" are added at the end of messages.

Malicious Bug Abuse
Significant abuse of an unintentional server feature will result in this punishment. Significant can include abuse which impacts the server's economy, the server itself, or other players.

This may escalate into a Blacklist in situations of extreme abuse.

Malicious Disallowed Modifications
Usage of Disallowed Modifications which do significantly impact others, the server, or the economy. This includes accounts that we deem have logged on simply to use Disallowed Modifications. Please refer to


A new tier of punishments featuring rules which do not fit into the aforementioned tiers.

Server Disrespect
Direct disrespect to the server. This excludes any factual statements or suggestions to improve the server, and only includes things that are insulting without offering any constructive criticism.

1d Mute -> 3d Mute -> 7d Mute -> 14d Mute -> P Mute

Simply put, don't be toxic or a nuisance. This includes spreading misinformation and generally bringing a negative vibe to chat through any form of toxicity. This can extend into the Nuisance Mute/Ban Pathways if excessive.

1d Mute -> 3d Mute -> 7d Mute -> 14d Mute -> P Mute

Non-Malicious Advertising
Sharing the IP address, website, Discord invite, or other applicable form of "advertisement" of another server inside of public chat (or in messages to multiple users), with no intention of permanently driving players away from LemonCloud.

6h Mute -> 12h Mute -> 1d Mute -> 3d Mute -> 7d Mute -> P Mute

Malicious Advertising
Sharing the IP address, website, Discord invite, or other applicable form of "advertisement" in a malicious manner to direct players away from LemonCloud. An example of this could include spamming a server IP into chat.

P Mute

Alt Limit Bypass
Issued at management discretion, for players bypassing the 5-accounts per gamemode limit using VPNs or other evasion methods.

Warn -> 30d Ban -> P Ban

Inappropriate Username
A username which falls foul of any of the aforementioned rules.

30d Ban -> P Ban

Nuisance Mute Pathway
A permanent mute, issued at management discretion, for players who continually break T1 or T2 offences in rapid succession, or beyond the 6th offence.

Nuisance Ban Pathway
A permanent ban, issued at management discretion, for players who continually break T3 or T4 offences in rapid succession.


Blacklists are permanent bans that cannot be appealed for at least 90 days. Severe offences include but are not limited to the following:

  • Threatening to or actively doxing, DDOSing, harassing or blackmailing others, sharing personal information, or sending malicious links.
  • Extreme abuse of a bug

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